Intelligence Squared Debate: Should the West Cut Ties with Saudi Arabia

Excited. Anticipated. Simply buzzing.

This was the first time I was going to get to see Mehdi Hassan live - a debater and orator I had looked up to for years. As a fellow Iraqi I felt connected to him on a deeper level as he was a symbol of the reality I can, as a minority group, become: successful.

The debate started with 38% of people ‘for’ the motion, 22% ‘against’ and the rest undecided. The debate was chaired by none other than Middle Eastern expert Lyse Doucet.

But enough of that - this is my honest opinion on how the evening went.

WOW - my instant reaction to Mehdi Hassan and his presence on stage. So passionate and vibrant with such precise and relivant points - can you tell that I’m for the motion yet?

LSE professor and Saudi born Madawi explained how MBS (Mohammed Bin Salaman) personally contacted her family to first warn her off publishing her doctoral thesis whilst studying at Camrbidge, at which she proceeded to publish 14 other books, in turn causing the Saudi state to revoke her citizenship.

This was an amazing debate and I’m very grateful for intelligence squared for hosting this - it completley blew me away!