How I Naturally Cured My Hayfever.

Last year, my hayfever was BAD. I’m talking asthmatic BAD.

Ever since I was a child I’ve had awful hayfever, and no eye drops, nasal spray or tablets could ever make me comfortable for more than a few hours, let alone a whole day!

1. Understand that hayfever is just another allergy.

An allergy is an bodily reaction to a foreign substance that you’re body is not used too.

2. Get outside more

To get your immune system used to the outdoors, get more connected with nature. I recommend spending a minimum of an hour outside every day (especially during the winter), to build up your immune system so that the time hayfever season comes back round, you’re body is less reactive to the pollen. Plus, being outside will strengthen your immune system overall anyways.

It’s important to get outside daily and spend time close to plants and nature consistently, so you build up your pollen resistance as the seasons change.

Neti Pot

3. Replace pharma drugs for natural substitues

  • Neti pot all the way! This has been the top game changer for me. A Neti Pot (pictured right) is basically a genie lamp which you put salt and warm water in, place into one nostril with your head titled over the sink to wash through your nasal passage. Follow with the other nostril and repeat this cycle until your sinuses are clear.

    *top tip* once your salt sashes finish, use your Epsom, Himalayan other salts you already have to save you buying new sashes (as they’re quite pricey).

  • Eat local honey: if you’re still vegan in 2019 even after all the top ‘vegan youtubers’ have ditched this diet then skip this step. Eating local honey (preferably organic) again helps introduce current, local pollen to your sinuses and help prevent an allergic reaction. Simply eat a teaspoon a day, spread it on toast or put it in your tea - it’s sweet and delicious so I’m sure you’ll have no problem getting your daily dose of bee nectar!

  • Wash, wash and wash again. This one’s for the eyes. Keep on rinsing your eyes with plain cool water throughout the day, to rinse them of any pollen - whatever you do DO NOT RUB! This will aggravate your eyes and cause the pollen to travel deeper and disperse further.

  • Aromatherapy: diffuse essential oils (I specifically recommend peppermint and tea tree) or add them to your wrists and neck to fill the senses with other natural scents.

4. Power of belief

Daily affirmations and the belief that you are already healed from a temporary allergy is the most important advice I can give. Repeating a mantra such as ‘thank you for my healing’ or ‘thank you for letting me enjoy the lovely weather’.

I hope everyone enjoys the weather and change of seasons wherever you are!

Munia :)